More voices on the Wall St. gas tax

<p>America is coming around to Ed’s commentary on the issue of rising commodity prices in America.In a press release today, Al Franken took a


America is coming around to Ed’s commentary on the issue of rising commodity prices in America.

In a press release today, Al Franken took a significant step to emphasize the importance of regulating oil speculators:

"Minnesotans are already struggling in this economy and I'm working every angle I can to make sure gas prices don't continue to go unchecked … that's why I'm urging regulators to exercise the authority they were given by the Wall Street Reform Act to clamp down on the damage oil speculators are causing and help stem the rise in prices at the pump."

Just last week, Ed made the same point in his special series to bring this injustice to light.

He told us what rising prices could mean to Americans:

And he explained the role the White House plays in making sure that doesn’t happen:

Al Franken isn’t the only one.  Other Dems are hearing Ed on the Wall St. gas tax too, namely House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer.  Ed’s staying on this story and you’ll be seeing it in the show—there’s plenty more to be done to make sure members of the middle class are getting their fair shake.