The Thursday Outlook

The National Journal finds that America has changed fundamentally -- embracing pessimism about the future.


The National Journal finds that America has changed fundamentally -- embracing pessimism about the future. With the current political landscape making sane economic policy impossible, it's hard to blame them. But there are signs of hope.

Bloomberg News reports that some in the Obama Administration are not content to sit on their hands as millions of Americans stare a life of joblessness in the face. They're reportedly looking at using payroll-tax breaks to goose hiring. It's not the most stimulative use of our money -- that would be aid to the poor and jobless (see page five). But it does appear to be the most stimulative measure that has a chance of getting through the Republican-controlled House. (And even Wall St. is starting to call out the GOP for how their proposed cutting will hurt the country.)

This can and should be a battle cry for Democrats from the White House down. Just like championing Medicare has proved to be a winner for them -- even though it would seem to fly in the face of the alleged pressure to cut spending -- so, too, would championing job creation. Embracing deficit-reduction is a non-starter both politically and economically, so it's natural to fear that Democrats will stay on that train.

BUT, in another sign of good news...some Democrats in the country not only get it, they're doing something about it. We'll see if it catches on.

Follow Senior Producer Jonathan Larsen (@jtlarsen) on Twitter