The Tuesday Outlook: The Forgotten Romney Fib

A lot of today's Romney coverage has focused on the slipperiness of his responses about the economy. Does he think we're in a recovery or not?


A lot of today's Romney coverage has focused on the slipperiness of his responses about the economy. Does he think we're in a recovery or not? How could we be in a recovery, if Obama's policies made things worse than what we're recovering from? All very confusing. But also all very overly concerned about rhetoric and messaging. It'd be nice if people paid attention to the ideology that undergirds Romney's claim: Namely, that government spending is antithetical to economic recovery. And that, we will show tonight on The Ed Show, is not the case.

In an Ed Show exclusive, we tracked down the man who last served as foreman at the Allentown Metal Works. You may remember Romney chose the Allentown Metal Works as a symbol of the failure of stimulus. Well, as it turns out, the reason the Allentown Metal Works closed its doors after 100 years was that it wasn't able to ride out the recession, in part because there was not enough government stimulus spending on infrastructure construction.

That's right, while Romney is arguing that Pres. Obama went too far, it turns out just the opposite is true. The stimulus didn't go far enough. And it's not just the union foreman who says so (he's a registered Republican, if that matters). It was also the CEO. And the mayor of Allentown will join us, as well, to confirm.

Please help spread the word about tonight's segment. This is real Americans, labor and management, Democrat and Republican, coming together to tell the truth about how our nation survives tough economic times.

Follow Senior Producer Jonathan Larsen (@jtlarsen) on Twitter