Ed's in Wisconsin!

Tonight on the Ed Show, Ed is live in Madison, Wisconsin, just hours before the recall elections of six Republican state senators who, along with Governor Scott

Setting the stage for Ed!

Tonight on the Ed Show, Ed is live in Madison, Wisconsin, just hours before the recall elections of six Republican state senators who, along with Governor Scott Walker, stripped workers' rights and staged a full-fledged attack on the working middle class.Tonight is the eve of what may be a turning point -- a response to eight long months of an attack by the radical right in Wisconsin that has been emulated in other states and cheered by radical Republicans nationally.

With voters set to express their disapproval through recall elections, Ed goes live with the Nation's John Nichols and the Democratic state senators who courageously tried to block Governor Walker's extreme agenda.

And with the Dow plummeting today after the Tea Party got what it wanted, Ed will look at the political and economic peril the nation and President Obama face right now.

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