All In Agenda: Who is Judge William Thomas?

All In Agenda for Tuesday, January 7


1. Senate Democrats got just enough votes to pass a three-month extension to unemployment benefits. But why was this a fight in the first place? Joining Chris Hayes to discuss are Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, former Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, and Michigan Rep. Dan Kildee.

2. Bill O'reilly said this on his show last night: 'There's no mass arrests of [Marijuana] users.' Really? Has he seen this graph that shows arrest rates for marijuana possession? Chris Hayes will discuss O'Reilly's latest with Former President & CEO of the NAACP Ben Jealous.

3. Because Harry Reid went nuclear last month, most of the 54 judges President Obama re-nominated will (finally) get the green light. But there is one name missing from the list: Judge William Thomas. Why? Marco Rubio. Chris Hayes explains.

4. The right-wing media has gone berserk over Rolling Stone contributor Jesse Myerson's piece, "Five Economic reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For." Joining Chris Hayes to discuss are Jesse Myerson, economic reporter for the New York Times, Catherine Rampell, and Politics Editor at Business Insider, Josh Barro.