What We're Watching 11/23/11

More fallout from Newt Gingrich's comments on immigration.  In last night's GOP presidential primary debate, the former House Speaker said illegal immigrants


More fallout from Newt Gingrich's comments on immigration.  In last night's GOP presidential primary debate, the former House Speaker said illegal immigrants who've been in the country for decades and established deep family and community ties shouldn't automatically be kicked out of the country.

Gingrich is the latest candidate to challenge Mitt Romney's front-runner status.  Romney characterized Gingrich’s policy as amnesty -- and a “magnet” that encourages illegal immigrants to move to America without seeking citizenship.  If nominated, will Romney's stand hurt him with the Latinos in the general election?The debate also exposed Romney to further criticism  Not only did he seem forget that his true first name is Willard, the cameras also caught his utter disdain for Ron Paul during a discussion on defense.  What does this all say about the GOP presidential front-runner?  We'll bring on the experts tonight at 8pET, including The Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead.And tomorrow is a day of Thanksgiving - a day for turkey, football, friends and family.  But what happens when your crazy right-wing uncle throws up some right-wing propaganda at the Thanksgiving feast?  We'll get some survival tips from activist and frelance journalist Jesse La Greca on tonight's show at 8pET!