'Ed Show' tonight: Thu., Jan. 5, 2012

"Middle class" Mitt is trying to hide how rich he is.

'Ed Show' tonight: Thu., Jan. 5, 2012

"Middle class" Mitt is trying to hide how rich he is.  Tonight at 8pET, Ed blows Romney's cover and reveals not only the extent of his personal wealth but also what his tax plan would do to the working poor in this country.  

'Ed Show' tonight: Thu., Jan. 5, 2012

Eugene Robinson, msnbc Analyst and Associate Editor and Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Washington Post, will be along for the ride.

The latest poll in New Hampshire shows Rick Santorum has moved into third place behind Romney and Ron Paul, but still at just eight percent.  Does he still have a shot at winning or will he have to wait for South Carolina?  

Ed will check in with Roger Simon, Chief Political Columnist for Politico, and Jennifer Donahue, Fellow at the Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College and Contributor to the Huffington Post.

Meantime, Santorum still can't explain his comment about "black people."  Joan Walsh, Salon’s Editor at Large, and Michael Eric Dyson, Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University and author of "Can You Hear Me Now?," join Ed for that discussion. 

Herman Cain was second only to Rush Limbaugh for number of appearances in our "Psycho Talk" segment in 2011.  Find out why Mr. 999 is already back in 2012.   

The Republican attack on labor resurfaces in Indiana.  Ed will ask House Democratic Leader Pat Bauer about how they're fighting back.

And more bad news for Scott Walker as three people with ties to the Wisconsin governor are arrested.  John Nichols, Washington Correspondent of The Nation, will have the latest.