What we're watching: Tue., Jan. 10, 2012

A panel of Indiana lawmakers voted along party lines to move divisive right-to-work legislation to the full House of Representatives.Rick Santorum says his


A panel of Indiana lawmakers voted along party lines to move divisive right-to-work legislation to the full House of Representatives.

Rick Santorum says his campaign did not have enough resources in place in New Hampshire to make the most of his impressive showing in Iowa last week. 

Mitt 'Free Enterprise' Romney sought and received federal bailout for Bain.

Rick Perry calls Mitt Romney's company "vultures" who "eat the carcass" of companies.

Rick Santorum: "The way he (Mitt Romney) came across just reminds you of your boss as opposed to someone that really has an understanding of what you're dealing with in your life. "

Republican candidates court Tim Tebow.

No, Romney didn’t actually say that he enjoys firing people — but what he really did say was actually worse.

Usually reluctant to concede error, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker now confesses to being embarrassed by the "Koch" call.

A narrower than expected win for Mitt Romney in the nation's first presidential primary – or a surprisingly strong finish from one of his rivals – could weaken the front-runner

Mitt Romney still holds a double-digit lead in New Hampshire, but Jon Huntsman has cut into that edge.

National Review: Bain attacks "foolish and destructive;" Mitt Romney "tin-eared."

Mitt Romney directly engages Occupy Wall Street protestors who are making themselves a regular presence at his events.

Team Mitt: Free enterprise is being put on trial by President Obama. And their first witness is Newt Gingrich.

Rush Limbaugh used a controversial new book about the Obamas to float some new theories about the First Couple on his Monday show.


A new CBS poll finds that 58 percent of Republican primary voters want more presidential choices, while just 37 percent say they are satisfied with the current field. 

Ron Paul’s campaign chairman angrily cuts off interview with CNN’s Dana Bash.

Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney tied when voters in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, cast the first ballots in the New Hampshire primary just after midnight on Tuesday.

Jon Huntsman was busy campaigning in the hinterlands of the Granite State, when he encountered Izak the goat, who hauled off and bit the former Utah governor. 

The Union Leader's closing argument.

Rush Limbaugh wades into the Newt-versus-Mitt scrap over Bain Capital and Romney's "firing" gaffe, fretting about what the Obama campaign will do to Romney in the general. 

Internet researcher Andrew Kaczynski is making waves with a 2003 article about Bain offshoring jobs from Massachusetts, during Romney’s time as Governor.

Rick Santorum is selling branded sweater vests for $100 each.

New data from Gallup shows that Republicans may be finally coalescing around Mitt Romney as their nominee ahead of Tuesday’s New Hampshire Primary.