Ed's bedtime story for Tim Pawlenty: 'Goodnight Mitt'

Last night, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawalenty told Ed that The Ed Show cures his insomnia.

Ed's bedtime story for Tim Pawlenty: 'Goodnight Mitt'

Last night, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawalenty told Ed that The Ed Show cures his insomnia.  So tonight, in a very special edition of Psycho Talk, Ed helped him fall asleep with a bedtime story about T-Paw's good friend Mitt Romney.  It's called Goodnight Mitt:

In the great, 12 million dollar beach house

There was a telephone,

And 250 million bucks,

And a picture of greedy, multi-millionaire shmucks.

There were three little capitalist cronies,

And a bowl full of pious baloney.

And a quiet old lady who was whispering, “don’t privatize social security”

Good night, unions.  Good night, health care.

Good night, jobs.  Good night, clean air.

Good night, public education, 

Good night, immigration.

Good night, wall street regulation.

Good night, middle class.  Good night, auto czar, 

Good night, dog on the roof of the car.

Good night, roe v. Wade.  Good night, marriage equality.

Good night to the old lady whispering “don’t privatize social security.”

Good night, medicaid.

Good night, medicare.  Good night, american dreams, everywhere.

Ed's bedtime story for Tim Pawlenty: 'Goodnight Mitt'
[note: the segment was based on "Goodnight Moon," an American children's book written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd, published by HarperCollins.]