'Ed Show' tonight: Mon., Jan. 16, 2012

Jon Huntsman drops out and throws his support behind Mitt Romney, telling the other candidates to stop attacking each other.


Jon Huntsman drops out and throws his support behind Mitt Romney, telling the other candidates to stop attacking each other.  But nobody seems to be listening as Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry continue to pressure Middle Class Mitt to release his tax returns.

Tonight, Ed turns to Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD) of the Democratic Governors Association for the latest chaos in Carolina.

Evangelical leaders decide to back Rick Santorum as the alternative to Mitt Romney, but was the vote rigged?  Ed will talk about the right-wing infighting with Joan Walsh, Salon’s Editor at Large, Joy-Ann Reid, Managing Editor of TheGrio.com and msnbc Contributor, and Krystal Ball, Democratic Strategist and Former Candidate for U.S. Congress.

Another victim of Mitt Romney's "Bain Capitalism" has surfaced in the GOP campaign - this time, it's Georgetown Steel.  James Sanderson, President of United Steel Workers Local Union 7898 in Georgetown, SC, tells Ed what really happened.

The deadline for collecting signatures is approaching in Wisconsin.  Are Gov. Scott Walker's days numbered.  Ed will ask Mike Tate, Chair of The Democratic Party of Wisconsin, and state Sen. Lena Taylor (D-WI).

Republican cost-cutting is putting a Pennsylvania school district in danger of shutting down.  But teachers are making a tremendous sacrifice to fight the closure.  

Ed will be joined by Sara Ferguson, a math and literacy teacher at Columbus Elementary School, and Linda Cook, President of the Southeastern Region of the Pennsylvania State Education Association.

And Rick Perry makes a quick return to the Psycho Talk zone.  Find out what he said this time.

It's going to be another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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