'Ed Show' tonight: Fri., Jan. 20, 2012

One year from today, we will have a new president.


One year from today, we will have a new president.  Whether that is in the form a new Obama administration or a President Romney or Gingrich or Paul or Santorum, remains to be seen.

As Republicans in South Carolina head to the polls tomorrow, it's expected to be a very close race between the media-bashing Newt Gingrich and the tax returns-dodging Mitt Romney.

Ed will have full analysis of last night's debate and today's campaigning with Bob Shrum, Democratic Strategist, and Richard Wolffe, msnbc Political Analyst.

Gingrich releases his tax returns, but Romney stumbles on the issue...again!  What does his answers say about his character?  Mike Papantonio, host of "The Ring of Fire" Radio Show, will help sort that out.

Ed comes out in strong support of last night's question to Newt Gingrich about his ex-wife's accusation that he sought an open marriage.  And comedian Stephen Colbert campaigns in South Carolina with former candidate Herman Cain.

That'll all be part of the conversation with Ed's mega-panel of Goldie Taylor, Columnist for The Grio and Managing Editor of The Goldie Taylor Project, Jimmy Williams, former Democratic Senate Staffer, and msnbc Contributor and Steve Benen of Washington Monthly.

EXCLUSIVE: Mitt Romney loses his cool with a 99-percenter who was taking him to task.  Tim DeVincenzo speaks out tonight!

And Mitt Romney finishes a tough week in Ed's Psycho Talk zone.

It's going to be another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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