'Ed Show' tonight: Fri., Jan. 27, 2012

Republicans are attacking each other in Florida, ahead of Tuesday's presidential primary, while President Obama tackles the issue of jobs in Michigan.On tonight


Republicans are attacking each other in Florida, ahead of Tuesday's presidential primary, while President Obama tackles the issue of jobs in Michigan.

On tonight's show, Ed will talk with Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) about new strong numbers indicating America’s recovery and Jonathan Cohn, Senior Editor at The New Republic, about the message the president needs to send.

Mitt Romney is basically lying his way to the nomination and now Newt Gingrich is calling him on the carpet.  Ed will do the fact-checking with Mayor R.T. Rybak (D-Minneapolis, MN), Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Newt Gingrich has an excuse for his poor debate performance – he was in shock.  Erin McPike, reporter for Real Clear Politics, and Mike Papantonio, host of "The Ring of Fire" Radio Show, review Newt's chances for victory in Florida.  

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is finally talking about a secret investigation that has already resulted in charges against some some former staffers while he was Milwaukee County executive.  Will these developments help the recall campaign?  Ed will check with state Sen. Lena Taylor (D-WI).

And the Koch brothers' influence is spreading to our college campuses.  What are they trying to teach your children?  Robert Greenwald, documentary filmmaker and the Director of the Brave New Foundation, will talk about his new video short that exposes this dangerous "quid pro quo." 

And in Psycho Talk, a Fox News blowhard complains about President Obama’s use of Air Force One.

It's going to be another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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