Man in Blackface asks Brigham Young University students about Black History Month

<p> There's nothing funny about this video.It's not funny that these college students can't name a single Black American



There's nothing funny about this video.

It's not funny that these college students can't name a single Black American hero other than Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. It's not funny that Comedian Dave Ackerman decided to use Blackface to highlight that point. Blackface, a minstrel technique used to ridicule black people since before slavery, has never been funny.  It's not funny that this is a reflection of race-relations in this country even after everything we've been through. 

Ackerman says he was trying to push the envelop and fight ignorance with ignorance, but if this was a joke, I'm not laughing. Pack up your makeup, Ackerman. We've got a long way go.