'Ed Show' tonight: Tue., Feb. 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day! Did you think about giving your love a car for the occasion?  You’d better watch Ed tonight. Mitt Romney is struggling in


Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Did you think about giving your love a car for the occasion?  You’d better watch Ed tonight. 

Mitt Romney is struggling in Michigan, his birthplace and where his father was once governor.  Is it because he was against the government loans that saved the auto industry?  Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI) has the latest on the Romney spiral and the Rick Santorum surge.

A new super PAC is going after Romney on his pro-life credentials.  Will Romney will have to move even farther to the right?  msnbc Political Analyst Richard Wolffe joins Ed for that.

Fifteen days before your taxes go up, President Obama was out hammering Republicans.  But are Democrats letting them off too easy?   Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Jonathan Alter, msnbc Political Analyst and Bloomberg View Columnist, will brief Ed on where the payroll tax cut extension fight stands. 

President Obama is set to meet union-busting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker face-to-face in Milwaukee tomorrow.  Ed will have a preview with state Sen. Chris Larson (D-WI) and John Nichols, Washington Correspondent of The Nation.

Apple is launching an investigation into inhumane working conditions in Chinese factories.  Author and monologist Mike Daisey has visited the Foxconn plant that produces Apple products and he'll be on the show tonight.

And Mitt Romney is still taking heat for strapping his dog to the roof of his car for a 12-hour ride.  Ed will show us the video.

It's going to be another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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