'Ed Show' back live at 11pET on MSNBC!

Rick Santorum has won in Alabama and Mississippi.  Mitt Romney stuck in third.


Rick Santorum has won in Alabama and Mississippi.  Mitt Romney stuck in third.  And where does Newt Gingrich go from here? 

Ed will be all over it tonight with wall-to-wall live coverage of the Dixie primaries at 11pET on msnbc (we also have the latest results here on The Ed Show blog, updated every two minutes!).

Ed will be joined by msnbc hosts Rachel Maddow of The Rachel Maddow ShowChris Matthews of Hardball and the Rev. Al Sharpton of Politics Nation

NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd of The Daily Rundown will look at the exit polls out of Alabama and Mississippi.

Eugene Robinson, msnbc Analyst and Associate Editor and Pulitzer Prize winning Columnist for the Washington Post, and Karen Finney, msnbc Political Analyst and Former DNC Communications Director, will also join Ed for analysis and reaction.

It's going to be a very special @EdShow at 11pET on @msnbctv.

Join the conversation now or during the show by commenting on Facebook and/or tweeting (with the #edshow hashtag).  However, due to the special coverage, we can't share your thoughts on the show tonight.

The @TweetTron9k will, of course, be back in full force tomorrow (Wednesday) so we can put yer tweets on the teevee!