'Ed Show' playbook: Wed., Apr. 4

President Obama has cornered Republicans into rallying around the radical Ryan budget.


President Obama has cornered Republicans into rallying around the radical Ryan budget.  And now Mitt Romney's flaks are whining about the president being a bully.

Tonight, Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee Chairman, former presidential candidate and the Founder of Democracy for America, sits down with Ed to talk about the right-wing freak out.

It's another Etch A Sketch moment for team Romney: Mitt's campaign chair says women will not hear Romney’s "real views" until the general election. 

Ruth Conniff, Political Editor of The Progressive Magazine, and Delegate Charniele Herring (D-VA), Minority Whip and Chair of Virginia’s Reproductive Rights Caucus, will weigh in on that.

And more trouble for Romney: he got busted for passing out sandwiches for votes in Wisconsin and now the Waukesha district attorney is investigating the matter.

Righties who root for an American failure got some bad news today.  Democratic Strategist Bob Shrum talks about the success of the Chevy Volt.

The Republican war on workers is coming for your letter carrier.  Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will reveal his latest effort to save the Post Office.

And we've seen the dangers caused by fracking (tap water on fire, for example), but can it be done in a safe way?  Ed will ask Oscar-nominated actor Mark Ruffalo and Director/Founder of "Water Defense."

It's going to be another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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