'Ed Show' playbook: Thurs., Apr. 19

House majority leader Eric Cantor declares its time to raise taxes on low-income families because they don’t pay federal income tax.Folks, there's a


House majority leader Eric Cantor declares its time to raise taxes on low-income families because they don’t pay federal income tax.

Folks, there's a Republican war on the working poor in America and Ed will prove it tonight with E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist.

House Democrats are introducing a bill that would allow low-income moms stay at home with their young children.  Where does Mitt Romney stand on the legislation?  Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) will join Ed for that.

Meantime, middle class Mitt strikes again, insulting (while on camera) a major Pennsylvania institution by firing some cookies.  John Nichols, Washington Correspondent of The Nation, will talk about Romney’s latest out-of-touch moment.

Ted Nugent is too radical for the National Rifle Association, but not the GOP.  Ed will ask msnbc host Martin Bashir why the NRA scrubbed Nugent’s incendiary remarks from its website, but conservatives like Mitt Romney and Scott Walker don’t have the courage to condemn him.

For the first time ever, Ed agrees with the conservative Heritage Foundation.  He’ll explain why during his commentary on sugar subsidies.

And President Obama sits on the bus where Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. Tonight, Ed looks back at critical moment in our history.

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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