'Ed Show' playbook: Tuesday, Apr. 24

President Obama took Republicans to school today, revealing vision for America’s youth that's in stark contrast with Mitt Romney.E.J.


President Obama took Republicans to school today, revealing vision for America’s youth that's in stark contrast with Mitt Romney.

E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist, and Eugene Robinson, msnbc Analyst and Associate Editor and Pulitzer Prize winning Columnist for the Washington Post, will join Ed to grade Obama and Romney. 

House Speaker John Boehner forecasts an economic mushroom cloud if President Obama is re-elected.  Ed will wipe his tears away and set him straight with msnbc Political Analyst Richard Wolffe.

State legislators are starting to run from the American Legislative Exchange Council,  the shadowy right-wing advocacy group (for "stand your ground" and voter ID laws).  A defector, State Representative Ted Vick (D-SC), tells Ed everything we need to know about ALEC.

Chevy Volt sales are way up, and conservatives just hate it.  Tonight, Robert Lutz, former General Motors VP, CNBC Contributor and certified conservative, slams the righties who are rooting for America's failure.

How can righties stomach Mitt Romney's French connection?  You won't want to miss Ed's commentary on that.

And in the Big Finish, Fox News host Sean Hannity says the poor don't go to bed hungry because they can "survive off" rice and beans.  Ed will play you the conservative radio host’s outrageous claim about America’s poor and get reaction from Vicki Escarra, CEO of Feeding America.

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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