'ED Show' playbook: Fri., May 18

The right thinks it’s fair to tie President Obama to the Rev.


The right thinks it’s fair to tie President Obama to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and ask how sitting in Wright’s church influenced the president's character and policies.  But Mitt Romney's Mormon faith is off-limits?

Ed will ask Michael Eric Dyson, Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University and author (“Can You Hear Me Now?”), and radio and television talk show host Armstrong Williams if Romney's Mormonism is off limits for Democrats.

Mitt Romney is still stirring up fears about the stimulus, saying President Obama is leading us toward Greece.  Robert Reich, former U.S. Labor Secretary and UC Berkeley Professor, explains why now is exactly the time to invest in infrastructure projects.

A venture capitalist says lowering taxes won't any create jobs.  But Mitt Romney's new commercial says just the opposite.  Tonight, Nick Hanauer, technology entrepreneur and billionaire venture capitalist and author (“Gardens of Democracy”), proves its not the 1% who create jobs, but you the consumer.

Romney talks tough on China, but President Obama is actually cracking down on their unfair trading practices. Ed tells us about the president's latest move with Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH).

Arizona's secretary of state is demanding to see Barack Obama's birth certificate before he lets him on the ballot. We'll have the lastest.  Ed'll have the latest developments.

The right-wing has criticized President Obama for appearing on late night talk shows.  

Tonight, the man who changed the landscape of late night TV and presidential politics (remember when Bill Clinton played the saxophone on his show?), former talk show host and one of the two finalists on NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice” Arsenio Hall, joins Ed to weigh in on all the hottest political and cultural news.

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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