'ED Show' playbook: Mon., June 4

It’s been a long road, but Ed’s been there every step of the way.

'ED Show' playbook: Mon., June 4

It’s been a long road, but Ed’s been there every step of the way. And now, we’re finally here!

For the first time since his surprise attack on the workers/middle class of Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker will face the people tomorrow in a recall election.

Ed’s putting together extended coverage tonight, reporting live from ground zero for the middle class in Madison, Wisconsin.

First up: John Nichols, Washington Correspondent of The Nation, and Ruth Conniff, Political Editor of The Progressive Magazine, will discuss the final push.

Then, Republicans say Democrats are trying to cheat their way to victory tomorrow.  State senators Lena Taylor (D-WI) and Mark Miller (D-WI) will debate that issue with state Sen. Glenn Grothman (R-WI).

Indeed, the polls are tightening, there are boots on the ground, and Walker’s Democratic challenger, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, predicts he will defeat Walker. 

Tonight, Barrett and the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor, Mahlon Mitchell, join Ed live from Milwaukee.

And in the Big Finish, despite getting outspent by outside money, Democrats like the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, say they will turn out the vote in Wisconsin.  The civil rights leader joins Ed live in Madison.

It's going to be a truly extraordinary @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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