Jesse Jackson compares Scott Walker to segregationist George Wallace

Sunday night, Ed had chance to see firsthand the enthusiasm for the Wisconsin recall election. The Rev.

Jesse Jackson compares Scott Walker to segregationist George Wallace

Sunday night, Ed had chance to see firsthand the enthusiasm for the Wisconsin recall election. 

The Rev. Jesse Jackson rallied hundreds of voters in northwest Milwaukee, calling this election one of biggest moments in the history of our democracy. 

Jackson compared Gov. Scott Walker to the late segregationist Alabama Governor George Wallace.

"So now you have a governor: (George) Wallace did it in Alabama and now Walker in Wisconsin, trying to take back access to vote."

Ed asked Jackson about the comparison on Monday night’s show in Madison.

“Well, one has tried to block the vote and lost.  And Walker is trying to stop the vote and will lose,” Jackson said to cheers from the crowd watching the interview in-person.

“The genius of the you have on sight, same-day registration, you can literally register and vote on the same day," Jackson continued.  "And by using voter ID, he intended, in fact, to suppress that vote and to make it more difficult for seniors to vote, for minorities to vote, and he's losing those battles.  So, anyone who seeks to block the vote must be seen as antithetical to democracy.”