'ED Show' playbook: Tue., June 12

Americans are waking up to Republican sabotage and new polling proves it!A new poll shows nearly half of voters believe Republican lawmakers are deliberately ob


Americans are waking up to Republican sabotage and new polling proves it!

A new poll shows nearly half of voters believe Republican lawmakers are deliberately obstructing efforts to revive the economy in order to strengthen their party's chances of making Barack Obama a one-term president.

Michael Eric Dyson (who is substituting for Ed this week) will go in-depth on this tonight with Norm Ornstein, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and Thomas Mann, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.  Both are co-authors of “It’s Even Worse Than it Looks: How The American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism.”

A new report shows net American family worth down 40 percent in three years.  Wall Street is back, corporations are making record profits, but where is the recovery for the 99 percent?  

Michael will ask Robert Reich, former U.S. Labor Secretary and UC Berkeley Professor.

Mitt Romney's surrogates aren't doing much to help him walk back his comments about cutting public sector jobs.  Howard Fineman, NBC News Political Analyst and Editorial Director of the Huffington Post Media Group, and msnbc Political Analyst Richard Wolffe, will join Michael for that.

The Ku Klux Klan wants join Georgia’s "Adopt-A-Highway" program and help clean up roads

You’ll be surprised by Michael's reaction to that. 


And in the Big Finish, actress Gwyneth Paltrow causes a stir by using the n-word in a tweet.  Now celebrities like Russell Simmons, CEO and founder of the news media site GlobalGrind, are coming to her defense. Russell and Michael will debate that issue.

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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