Ex-Florida voting official: 'I didn't feel comfortable' with voter purge, thanks to flawed data

Florida's former Secretary of State, a Republican, is saying he "didn't feel comfortable" carrying out Governor Rick Scott's controversial voter purge because t


Florida's former Secretary of State, a Republican, is saying he "didn't feel comfortable" carrying out Governor Rick Scott's controversial voter purge because the list he was using was so flawed.

As Michael Eric Dyson explained Wednesday on The Ed Show, Kurt Browning told The Miami Herald that it was clear to him the state didn't have a reliable list with which to conduct the purge, which is now the subject of a federal lawsuit. 

"I didn't feel comfortable rolling this out," Browning said. "Something was telling me this isn't going to fly. We didnt have our i's dotted and our t's crossed when I was there." 

Of course, after Browning stepped down, the purge went forward under his replacement, Ken Detzner. The purge, The Herald reports, used a DMV database that had "limited and often-outdated citizenship information that carried a high risk of making lawful voters look like noncitizens."

 And wouldn't you know it, scores of legitimate voters have been tossed off the rolls—though many likely won't find out until they try to vote in November.