All In Agenda: 'Mandela' actor Idris Elba joins All In

All In Agenda for Monday, December 10th.


1. When you watch Republicans like Rand Paul address African-Americans you understand why Republicans have a problem attracting African-American voters. Tonight Chris Hayes discusses Paul's latest infraction with Executive Director and Chief Economist at the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, Heather Boushey, and New York Rep. Jerry Nadler.

2. Congress has five more days to pass an extension of unemployment insurance. Will they do it? In our version of the future, they do. The 'Bizarro Congress' returns. Joining Chris Hayes to discuss its real prospects is MSNBC Contributor James Peterson.

3.  Joining Chris Hayes in studio to discuss their new film 'Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom' are actor Idris Elba and Director Justin Chadwick

4. Does the left need a tea party to realize its agenda? Author Dave Sirota, Host of 'Disrupt' on MSNBC, Karen Finney, Host of "The Majority Report," Sam Seder join Chris Hayes to discuss the possibility.