Obama calls Aurora Mayor, speaks with Advisors in Oval Office; Political ads get pulled in CO

President Obama called Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan on his way to Palm Beach International Airport in Florida, following the tragic shootings that left 59

President Obama calls Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan

President Obama called Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan on his way to Palm Beach International Airport in Florida, following the tragic shootings that left 59 injured and 12 dead.

Kathryn Ruemmler, Counsel to the President, and FBI Director Robert Mueller speak with President Obama and VP Biden in the Oval Office

Upon arriving back at the White House he sat down with senior advisors in the Oval Office to discuss the events.

In the aftermath of the shootings, both President Obama and Mitt Romney are pulling ads off the air in Colorado. Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said: “We have asked affiliates to pull down our contrast advertising for the time being. It takes time for stations to be able to do this, but we are making every effort.” They later clarified that they were pulling down all advertising, not just the negative.