Bill Clinton: Romney's claims about Obama's welfare policy are 'not true'

The latest line of attack from the Romney campaign says that Barack Obama wants to abandon President Clinton's welfare reform policies.

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 27: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton delivers closing remarks at the International AIDS Conference.

The latest line of attack from the Romney campaign says that Barack Obama wants to abandon President Clinton's welfare reform policies. Now Bill Clinton himself is saying that the Romney's claim is false.

"Governor Romney released an ad today alleging that the Obama administration had weakened the work requirements of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act," Bill Clinton said in a statement released Tuesday night. "That is not true."

He went on, "The Romney ad is especially disappointing because, as governor of Massachusetts, he requested changes in the welfare reform laws that could have eliminated time limits altogether. We need a bipartisan consensus to continue to help people move from welfare to work even during these hard times, not more misleading campaign ads."

You can read the full statement, via the Huffington Post, here.