Morning Maddow: November 26

Morning headlines: Florida Republicans want Rep. Trey Radel to resign, get to know Guantanamo's other secret CIA facility, urban sprawl seen from space.

\"Penny Lane\" at Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility, Cuba

Florida's Republican party calls on Rep. Trey Radel to resign. (Tampa Bay Times)

Heritage Action says it will score the confirmation vote on Janet Yellen for Fed Chair. (WSJ)

A member of the House leadership sets a Congressional baby record. (McClatchy)

Mississippi to start issuing free voter ID cards soon. (AP)

Penny Lane: Guantanamo Bay's other secret CIA facility. (AP)

A towboat carrying 69,000 gallons of fuel sinks on the Mississippi. (NBC News)

Watch 5 U.S. cities expand in size. From space. (Washington Post)