'ED Show' playbook: Fri., Aug. 24

Move over Donald Trump.  Mitt Romney blows the dog-whistle of right-wing hatred with a birther joke on the stump. "Right on, right on, right on" says Rush


Move over Donald Trump.  Mitt Romney blows the dog-whistle of right-wing hatred with a birther joke on the stump. 

"Right on, right on, right on" says Rush Limbaugh.

Was it a joke or a slip of the tongue?  Ed will ask Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA-02).

Then, Michael Eric Dyson, Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University and author ("Can You Hear Me Now?") and msnbc Political Analyst Richard Wolffe, will examine Romney’s political gamble.

Mitt Romney tells the truth about big business, but continues to lie about President Obama's attitude towards small businesses.  E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist, will weigh in on that.

An avalanche of dirty money is pouring into Ohio to take out Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH). 

Tonight, Brown tells Ed how Todd Akin, Medicare and voter suppression are moving the polls in the Buckeye State.

And in the Big Finish, Spike Lee, director of the new movie released today, "Red Hook Summer," speaks out about voter ID laws and the impact on African-American communities (click here to watch a digital-only preview!).

It's going to another blockbuster @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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