Thursday's Mini-Report

Today's edition of quick hits:* Vice President Biden spoke at a conference on gun control in Connecticut earlier today, and issued a challenge to critics of the


Today's edition of quick hits:

* Vice President Biden spoke at a conference on gun control in Connecticut earlier today, and issued a challenge to critics of the administration's efforts to reduce gun violence.

* Syria: "A car bomb that detonated at a checkpoint near Baath party headquarters in Damascus set off a huge explosion Thursday, killing dozens and and wounding more than 200, opposition groups said."

* With a week to go, he's still trying: "President Obama on Thursday phoned Republican leaders in Congress to discuss the impasse surrounding $85 billion in automatic spending cuts set to hit the government on March 1."

* Predictable bluster: "North Korea has bolstered its defenses against a 'hostile' United States with its third nuclear test, it said on Thursday, noting that countries that had bowed to U.S. pressure to abandon their nuclear plans had suffered 'tragic consequences.'"

* An ugly moment: "Constituents at a town hall hosted by Sen. John McCain Wednesday in Phoenix cheered after the Arizona Republican told the mother of an Aurora, Colo. shooting victim that an assault weapons ban could not get through Congress."

* Interesting statistic: "Treasury Secretary nominee Jack Lew,"has answered more written questions than any every Treasury nominee since 1995 combined, a key sign of how hard Republicans in the Senate are pressing the current White House Chief of Staff in the run up to his confirmation fight."

* The RNC is pushing a video that takes President Obama "wildly out of context"? It must be a day that ends in "y."

* While the Supreme Court hears a Republican challenge to the Voting Rights Act, Congress will unveil a Rosa Parks statue.

* Rush Limbaugh is "ashamed" of the United States. What an odd thing to say.

* Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) believes Americans need guns to stop those "who think Sharia Law should be the law of the land." That's even odder than Limbaugh.

Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.