Morning Maddow: November 20

Morning headlines: Albuquerque voters reject 20-week abortion ban, prominent House Republican vows to put teeth back into the Voting Rights Act.


Albuquerque voters reject 20-week abortion ban. (KOB TV)

The Supreme Court refuses to block enforcement of Texas's new abortion law. (USA Today)

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner amps up his push to reinstall protections to the Voting Rights Act. (The Hill)

NY Times Ed. Board argues for the renewal of the plastic-guns ban. (NY Times)

After two last-minute stays of execution, it looks like Missouri death-row inmate Joseph Franklin will die. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) Update: he was executed this morning.

Pres. Obama posts a handwritten tribute to the Gettysburg Address. (WhiteHouse.Gov)

Did you know there are five kinds of boredom? (McClatchy)