'ED Show' playbook: Tue., Sep. 25

42 days until the election and President Barack Obama goes after Mitt Romney on education.  And right on cue, Romney goes after the teachers.Tonight, Ed turns


42 days until the election and President Barack Obama goes after Mitt Romney on education.  And right on cue, Romney goes after the teachers.

Tonight, Ed turns to former Gov. Howard Dean and Atlanta Mayor Karim Reed for reaction to Romney’s educated mess.

Then, President Obama and millions of Americans are calling on billionaire NFL owners to get rid of scab refs and bring back the union. Even Scott Walker and Paul Ryan come out against union busting. 

Tonight, Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and Bill Rhoden of the New York Times will look at the NFL’s labor fight.

Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown continues to attack his challenger over her heritage, even as he apologizes for his campaign staffers' racist chants caught on tape. Is the video bad for Brown's campaign?  Ed will ask Joan Walsh, Editor At Large for Salon.com.

On National Voter Registration Day, 10 million Latino voters are in danger of being disenfranchised.  We'll bring you the shocking details of a  new report that could swing the election to Mitt Romney with Maria Teresa Kumar of Voto Latino.

Not only does Mitt Romney have to bus in his own crowd for events, now he has to lead the cheers! You don't want to miss the video.

And in the Big Finish, the Senate seat in Indiana is up for grabs after tea partiers voted out incumbent Dick Lugar in the primaries.  Democratic candidate Joe Donnelly will join Ed.

It's going to another blockbuster @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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