'ED Show' playbook: Mon., Oct. 8

29 days until the election and Mitt Romney uses fear and lying to get votes, but Ed won’t get away with it!Tonight, Ed welcomes retired Col.


29 days until the election and Mitt Romney uses fear and lying to get votes, but Ed won’t get away with it!

Tonight, Ed welcomes retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff at the State Department during Gen. Colin Powell’s term, and currently the Pamela Harriman visiting professor at the College of William and Mary, to analyze Romney’s scare tactics, his bad ideas and the desire to return to the bungled foreign policy of George W. Bush.

Republicans continue to push conspiracy theories on Friday’s jobs numbers.  The Nation's Ari Melber joins Ed to discuss the GOP’s alternate reality.

Female legislators could gain several seats in the U.S. Senate this November. We'll look at why women are leading in the some key races with Michelle Goldberg, Senior contributing writer, Newsweek & The Daily Beast NY, and Keli Goff,  author (“The GQ Candidate”) and Political Correspondent for TheRoot.com.

Fox news is backing up Mitt Romney's $5 trillion tax lie.  Ed will talk with E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist, about that and much more.

And in the Big Finish, a new study reveals the impact that voting restrictions would have on the state's African-American community.  Sen. Nina Turner (D-OH) joins Ed live in the studio!

It's going to another blockbuster @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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