'ED Show' playbook: Wed., Oct. 10

27 days until the election and Mitt Romney implodes over a woman's right to choose.Tonight, Ed welcomes Terry O’Neill, President of The National Organization


27 days until the election and Mitt Romney implodes over a woman's right to choose.

Tonight, Ed welcomes Terry O’Neill, President of The National Organization for Women, and Democratic Strategist Bob Shrum for reaction and analysis of Romney’s abortion Etch A Sketch.

Mitt Romney went moderate during his debate with the president.  Will his running mate do the same?  Howard Fineman, NBC News Political Analyst and Editorial Director of the Huffington Post Media Group, has a preview of tomorrow's vice presidential debate.

Paul Ryan tries to convince Michigan voters that he and Mitt Romney will fight for the auto industry, but their records tell a different story.  John Nichols, Washington Correspondent of The Nation will have the details.

From the coal mine owner to the real estate mogul, CEO's are holding their workers hostage to get votes for Mitt Romney.  Tonight, Robert Reich, former U.S. Labor Secretary and UC Berkeley Professor, looks at the revolt of the plutocrats.

The mother of a Navy SEAL killed in Benghazi asks Mitt Romney to stop using her son as a political prop.

And in the Big Finish, Rep. Joe Walsh attacks Tammy Duckworth for her appearance at the Democratic National Convention, and he's not the only Tea Partier facing a tough re-election fight.  We’ll talk with Karen Finney, msnbc Political Analyst and former DNC Communications Director.

It's going to another blockbuster @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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