Barack Obama is to Obi Wan, as Mitt Romney is to...

 In a recent interview Mark Hamill, the man who played Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy, said that if he had to compare President Obama to a

Barack Obama is to Obi Wan, as Mitt Romney is to...


In a recent interview Mark Hamill, the man who played Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy, said that if he had to compare President Obama to a character from Star Wars he would choose a combo of Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi.

We asked our twitter followers to fill out the rest of the equation and name the "Star Wars" character they would associate with Mitt Romney. We got hundreds of responses (people on the Internet like "Star Wars" apparently?) which ranged from the good the bad and the ugly.

Somehow, there were two votes for Pizza the Hut (Jabba's "Spaceballs" knock-off). Another said: "the slime trail that follows Jabba the Hut". Another suggested Mitt Romney was comparable to the "skinny thing sitting *next* to Jabba the Hut" (his name is Salacious B. Crumb)

But those weren't the most common responses. See the top 6 "Star Wars" characters that our twitter followers associate with Mitt Romney after the jump!

Number 6: Grand Moff Tarkin (that's the jerk from "New Hope" who blew up Princess Leia's home planet Alderan)
Barack Obama is to Obi Wan, as Mitt Romney is to...
Number 5: Greedo (He's Jabba the Hut's jerk bounty hunter who tried to shake down Han Solo at the Mos Eisley Cantina. You can't spell Greedo without Greed, and that's probably why he finished so high. BTW, Greedo shot first, and paid the ultimate price)
Barack Obama is to Obi Wan, as Mitt Romney is to...
Number 4: C3PO, as @OskieDog put it: "based on stiffnes of movement and ease of dynamic programming"


Barack Obama is to Obi Wan, as Mitt Romney is to...

Number 3/2 is a tie of two no-brainers: Darth Vader and the Emperor.


Barack Obama is to Obi Wan, as Mitt Romney is to...

And Number 1: Our twitter followers overwhelmingly associate Mitt Romney with the greatest Star Wars villain of them all Jar-Jar Binks. This was far and away the most popular pick, as @Slichtor put it: "None of the darths (Vader etc). I don’t think he’s that cunning; it’s just political expediency. Annoying/void of substance=Jar Jar."

Barack Obama is to Obi Wan, as Mitt Romney is to...

Honorable mention goes to @_Zakdaddy— who was the only respondent to submit the name Malakili. He's the jerk from "Return of the Jedi" who was in charge of the Rancor. That's just deep.

Barack Obama is to Obi Wan, as Mitt Romney is to...