Behold! The new msnbc iOS app!

More video options, for more msnbc shows


The hardcore among you will remember the launch of the The Rachel Maddow Show iPhone app way back in May, 2009. Or perhaps you were around for the launch almost 2 years ago of the MSNBC featuring The Rachel Maddow Show iPad app. Part of the mission with the iPad app was to use it as a stepping stone to bring the other msnbc shows into the app space. This new launch is a nice big step in that direction. We don't have everyone in there yet, but that'll come up future updates.

Speaking of updates, as Bill explains in the video above, there are two notes on getting the new app for people who already have a Maddow app on their device. First, for the iPad app, all you have to do is upgrade the app you have. For iPhone app users, you'll have to go to the App Store and search for msnbc and you'll find us easily enough.

As you can see in the screen capture below, what you get in this new version is the prime time shows plus Up and the documentary shows. This includes live streaming and full episode viewing (which you can't do from the mobile view of the regular site) with an archive of a few days, as well as clip and links out to the show sites.

Android users (of which I am one) fret not, we'll see an msnbc Android app for us in the coming months. And in the mean time, the NBC News folks were nice enough to give TRMS video clips a tab on their app.

They threw the switch in the wee hours last night, so the new app should be ready for you. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Gah! Of all the things to forget! Here's the direct link if you're reading this on your device already.