Morning Maddow: November 11

Morning headlines: health crisis breaks out in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, 6 states defy Defense Dept. orders to give benefits to gay military couples.


Health crisis breaks out in the Philippines after typhoon Haiyan kills thousands. (NBC)

The amazing way some California high school students are helping a disabled veteran. (AP)

Veterans Day at the White House. (USA Today)

6 states still,%20world%20news,%20and%20news%20about%20the%20economy

" target="_blank">resist Defense Dept. orders to process benefits for gay couples. (NY Times) 

Hawaii likely to become the 16th state to legalize same-sex marriage tomorrow. (L.A. Times)

Missouri won't say where it gets its new supply of lethal-injection drugs. (McClatchy)

The great knish crisis of 2013. (AP)