11/17/2011 Shameless Plugs

Just in case you miss them, or want to know more about them, here are today’s Shameless Plugs...Michelle Bernard, who is an msnbc political analyst and


Just in case you miss them, or want to know more about them, here are today’s Shameless Plugs...

Michelle Bernard, who is an msnbc political analyst and president of the Bernard Center for Women. plugged the Lab School of Washington, DC. The school has been providing an “academic experience” for the last 45 years for students with learning disabilities. 

Shira Toeplitz who is a political writer for Roll Call plugged the newspaper’s election preview, which came out in Monday’s edition of Roll Call.

Faiz Shakir who is editor-in-chief of ThinkProgress.org and Vice President of the Center for American Progress plugged Think Progress’ lobbying articles including this one on Newt Gingrich.