The Donald Dials In

By NBC's Anna TumanDonald Trump said today on The Daily Rundown that the most important issue in the presidential race is jobs and that he won’t use his


By NBC's Anna Tuman

Donald Trump said today on The Daily Rundown that the most important issue in the presidential race is jobs and that he won’t use his upcoming GOP debate as a forum for other points he’s pushed in the past, such as the birther issue.

“The most important issue is jobs,” Trump said during a live telephone interview. “My issue is jobs. My big issue is the country is falling way way behind. My big issue is that every country that does business with the United States makes a fortune.”

Trump went on to say if the country was controlled better there would be no need to make cut backs to important government programs.

“When they talk about Social Security and Medicare and all the things they want to cut back, if this country ran right they wouldn’t have to cut them back,” Trump said.

Trump didn’t rule out running for president as an Independent, saying that he would run if the “wrong” candidate wins the Republican primary.

“If we have the wrong candidate, I love this country and I want to see this country turned around.”