All too often, your TDR panelists have another thought that we don’t get to hear on the show.


All too often, your TDR panelists have another thought that we don’t get to hear on the show. Here are a few from this week:

NBC’s Mark Murray on North Carolina: To illustrate that North Carolina is definitely a battleground state – at least right now – consider that of the 10 media markets with the most presidential advertising this week, three of them are in North Carolina, including top-rated Greensboro. Per SMG Delta, here are the 10 hottest media markets in the presidential race (based on advertising points) for the Obama campaign, Romney campaign, anti-Obama American Future Fund, anti-Obama Americans Crossroads, anti-Obama/pro-Romney Restore Our Future, and anti-Romney/pro-Obama Priorities USA.

TIME’s Michael Crowley on the Rev. Wright redux: The possibility that a Rev. Wright Super PAC ad could backfire and hurt Romney is a reminder that the explosion of these outside groups is a mixed blessing. Campaigns always like more financial air cover--but  get very, very nervous about losing control of their message.

GOP strategist Rob Johnson on the power of perceptions on the economy: The recent USA TODAY/Gallup poll has some interesting numbers that show good news for Mitt Romney an bad news for the current resident of the White House. 71% of Americans rate economic conditions as poor and 55% say the economy would get better under a Romney presidency versus only 46% for Obama, who has had four years of disastrous failure with economic policies. President Obama's unfavorable rating as a sitting US President is at 46%; that is a recipe for defeat.