Where in the world is Steve Benen (and hello, guest blogger Zack)

Do you folks remember the last time Steve Benen took a day off? Yeah, we had to go back and look, too. I'm happy to report that Steve is taking vacation today

Where in the world is Steve Benen (and hello, guest blogger Zack)

Do you folks remember the last time Steve Benen took a day off? Yeah, we had to go back and look, too. I'm happy to report that Steve is taking vacation today and tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. 

While he's gone, our pal Zachary Roth will be blogging down the fort. Zack usually hangs out with the good folks on MSNBC's big website. He comes to us by way of Talking Points Memo, Yahoo and Steve's own former haunt, Washington Monthly. He loves a lot of the same stories we do, like voting rights and the triumph of big business at the Supreme Court. If you want to know more about the Tea Party groups who say they came in for unfair scrutiny by the IRS, Zack works that side of the street, too.

We're delighted to have Zack hanging out with us this week. Please join me in giving him the warmest of welcomes. You can reach him on Twitter, and you can read more of his work on the main MSNBC site.

P.S. Steve says he'll be escaping vacation at least long enough to post the new unemployment report -- and his famous bikini graph -- on Friday morning.

(Image: "Between Jump and Fall," by Llanddcairfyn on Flickr/Creative Commons. It has nothing to do with Steve Benen. For all we know, he's off back-country skiing someplace where you can still do that in June.)