Ruffled Feathers

PBS is crying "fowl," asking the the Obama campaign to stop airing that television ad featuring Big Bird and criticzing Romney for pledging to end subsidies

Ruffled Feathers

PBS is crying "fowl," asking the the Obama campaign to stop airing that television ad featuring Big Bird and criticzing Romney for pledging to end subsidies to PBS. But this isn't the first time a campaign has gone, shall we say, whimsical in its advertising. In 1952, Walt Disney Studios made one of Dwight D. Eisenhower's most enduring ads - a minute-long spot featuring cartoon characters (complete with an elephant) and a catchy song composed by Irving Berlin. One big difference - the Big Bird ad is about as sarcastic as we've ever seen from a campaign, while the I Like Ike ad is upbeat and hopeful. Animated antics helped show Eisenhower how to get to Pennsylvania Ave. 60 years ago, will Sesame satire help Obama stay there? Let us know what you think.