Maddow to Brown: 'Stop lying.' Amazing word cloud is just a bonus

Word cloud of the segment, as generated by


Word cloud of the segment, as generated by, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) sent a fundraising letter in which he said that Rachel Maddow is running against him for Senate in 2012 and he needs donations to fight her off. When Maddow said she wasn't running, Brown continued his stumping, telling a Boston radio station, "Bring her on." Maddow explained on the show that she's not running, then took out a full-page ad in the Boston Globe for open letter stating, again, that she's not running.Brown's campaign has continued to say that the Democratic National Committee was recruiting Maddow, that she'd be an "interesting candidate," that her Boston Globe ad looked to have been written by the DNC, that the show staff hadn't called to ask Brown to come on the show. Last night, Maddow condensed all of Brown's behavior into a single word, with two more words of advice. That would be "lying," followed by "Stop it." As you can see from the word cloud of the prepared segment above and the must-see video after the jump, she had a point to make it.

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Senator Brown. You're lying. I'm not running, and you know I'm not running. And when you say bring her on to make people think that I'm running against you -- you're lying. Stop it.