Revenge of the rock eaters

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On Tuesday, I reported a story about Mary Foster, the real-life mayor of Peekskill, New York defending her town from the cruel jibes of Saturday Night Live. SNL did a sketch in which the fake New York Governor David Patterson called Peekskill a "hell hole" and its denizens "freaks" and "rock eaters." Rock eaters. Them's fightin' words. At a press conference, a deeply earnest Mayor Foster informed the press, "We work very hard in not saying things that could be viewed as being offensive." Bam! THAT will show the mean comedy writers what's what. Why, rock eating in Peekskill is practically a thing of the past! Now I don't want to tell Mayor Foster how to do her job, but it seems to me the way to counter satire is not to inspire MORE satire. The town of Plattsburgh, New York was also singled out in the sketch. So what did the mayor of Plattsburgh do? This.Gentlemen? Nicely played. Final score? Rock Eaters 1 - SNL 0