The Company Memo: Tuesday, March 19, 2013

President Obama embarks on his first trip to Israel as President this week. The Washington Post writes that the trip is a chance "to repair relations with

President Obama delivers remarks at the Organizing for Action dinner in Washington on March 13, 2013

President Obama embarks on his first trip to Israel as President this week. The Washington Post writes that the trip is a chance "to repair relations with disappointed Israelis." We'll talk with Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who traveled to Israel with a congressional delegation a few weeks ago.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has formally come out in favor of gay marriage in a video posted to the Human Rights Campaign website Monday.

“Like so many others, my views have been shaped over time by people I have known and loved, by my experience representing our nation on the world stage, my devotion to law and human rights, and the guiding principles of my faith,” Clinton says in the video.

We'll discuss with Steve Elmendorf, Chair of Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund.

Strategists David Winston and Doug Thornell join Jansing & Co. to talk about New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg's proposed anti-cigarette legislation, just days after the Mayor's sodan ban was struck down. We'll get into the details of the Mayor's plan of concealing cigarettes from view in stores.

On the 10th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, former Rep. Patrick Murphy and Col. Jack Jacobs tackle an enormous question: "Was it worth it?"

Plus, join Chris Jansing, Richard Lui, art historian Liz Lev and Father Bartunek for live coverage of new Pope Francis' installation mass.