Week in Geek: Dance of the planets edition

If you have clear skies and a view of the western horizon, you are in for a celestial treat this week. Starting tonight, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury will be

Week in Geek: Dance of the planets edition

If you have clear skies and a view of the western horizon, you are in for a celestial treat this week. Starting tonight, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury will be having a "star party" in the west just after sunset. Jupiter is actually setting while Mercury is rising (due to how our point of view is changing as we all go around the Sun), but all three will appear together in the sky over the next week or so. Planetary conjunctions of three planets are not all that rare, happening approximately every few years with a varying roster of planets, but they are still a treat to see. Space.com has a nice viewing guide, including a video of what configuration you can expect to see each night. And Stardate.org has a free podcast on what they call the upcoming "evening [planet] traffic jam." Here's hoping you get to see the fun. Me? I'll be searching for a place where Jersey doesn't block my view...

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Keep on geekin' on. @Summer_Ash