Office chair traveler

Looking through this stunning, if somewhat prostitute-heavy gallery of Google Street View photos, some of the photos reminded me of some virtual strolling I'd


Looking through this stunning, if somewhat prostitute-heavy gallery of Google Street View photos, some of the photos reminded me of some virtual strolling I'd done in Rio de Janeiro following the recent scandal that dead bodies had been captured in images there.And guessing at the origins of these pictures reminded me to share with you a new game I've been enjoying. When you click the "transport" button on this Globe Genie site, it takes you to a random street view scene. Sometimes I feel like there's a pattern but not enough of one that I can anticipate where it's going to take me. The fun is in figuring out where you are.There's a little map for cheating but it's easy to turn off while you try to make out terrain, architecture and road maps.