The 'MHP' Syllabus: October 27

Host Chris Matthews joins us to talk about the bipartisan Reagan fixation, MHP goes in on the NSA, and thinking about about how America remembers.


What do Sen. Ted Cruz and President Obama have in common? At times, they both like to think that they are the 2013 incarnation of Ronald Reagan. But it’s not just them! Though Ronald Reagan died almost 10 years ago, he seems to be popping up all over Washington D.C. as politicians on both sides of the aisle proclaim that they have the gumption of the Gipper. All their talk has left us in #nerdland asking, “Will the real Ronald Reagan please stand up?”

On Sunday’s Melissa Harris-Perry, we will be joined by none other than Chris Matthews--MSNBC’s in-house Reagan expert, host of Hardball and author of the new book Tip and the Gipper: When Politics Worked--to discuss the actual political strategies of our 40th president and vague beginnings of the 2016 road to the White House.

Ever get that feeling that someone’s watching you? Or maybe…listening to you? Looks like you might not just have a case of paranoia – especially if you are Germany or France. This week saw new reports suggesting that the US has been spying on its allies. This revelation does not make folks like German president Angela Merkel very happy. Though President Obama denies the allegations, in an age where we constantly interact via social media, cell phones, and email, it makes you wonder who could be tracking you. Check out MSNBC's report on the "Stop Watching Us" rally in Washington on Saturday; we'll be getting into this with guests including the Century Foundation's Barton Gellman, one of the first to report on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations back in June.

The demolition of Sandy Hook Elementary School began this week. There will be no town-wide one-year anniversary event. In a country full of monuments, statues, and perennial services of remembrance, it seems almost strange that the building will just disappear, as if it never existed. Newtown will never forget what happened on December 14, 2012; they are simply choosing their own way of remembering, healing, and moving on. Join us Sunday for a conversation on the ways that we as a country, and as individuals, choose to remember and memorialize tragic events that have taken the lives of the people we love.

Lastly, did you hear what happened to the GOP precinct chairman in Buncombe County, North Carolina…? Yeah, we'll touch on that, too.

Be sure to read what we’ve linked above, and watch Melissa Harris-Perry Sunday at 10 a.m. EST on MSNBC! Also, don’t forget to join us on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #nerdland.