'ED Show' playbook: Monday, Feb. 11

President Barack Obama gets set to address the nation with an economy held hostage by a Republican plan to wreak havoc in just 18 days.

US President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama gets set to address the nation with an economy held hostage by a Republican plan to wreak havoc in just 18 days.

Tonight on “The Ed Show” at 8p/11pET on msnbc, Ed Schultz welcomes Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) on the ticking time bomb of the sequester and how the president can dismantle it.

Then, Ed will turn to Democratic Strategist Bob Shrum and Michael Eric Dyson, Professor of Sociology at Georgetown university and author ("Can You Hear Me Now?”), for reaction and analysis.

Pope Benedict XVI breaks centuries of tradition and shocks the world with his sudden resignation. Tonight, Alex Gibney, Director of HBO’s “Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God,” joins Ed EXCLUSIVELY with reaction.

Dick Cheney slams President Obama's cabinet picks. Ed compares Obama and Bush cabinets and sets the record straight.

Gabrielle Giffords pushes for progress on guns as the NRA strategy to stall legislation is caught on camera. Ed will take that up with our BIG Panel of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN).

The head of Fox News has made a living demonizing the president, but his latest comments set a new low.

A $1 million bounty is on the head of an alleged California cop killer. Clint Van Zandt, msnbc Criminal Analyst and former FBI Special Agent has the latest on the revenge killing spree.

It’s going to be another essential @edshow tonight at 8p/11pET on @msnbctv.

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