What we're reading: Monday, Februaury 4, 2013

President Obama takes his gun proposals to the voters this afternoon, speaking at a Police Department in Minnesota.

President Obama presents his vision for immigration reform.

President Obama takes his gun proposals to the voters this afternoon, speaking at a Police Department in Minnesota. Democratic lawmakers are taking steps to put legislation containing bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines on the senate floor.

In Monday's opinion pages: The Wall Street Journal analyzes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s belief that revenues are still on the table in any upcoming budget talks. In The New York Times, the Jamestown Foundation’s Ramzy Mardini imagines a Syria without Bashar al-Assad.

There’s a new fight on the right…Politico’s Alex Burns looks at the backlash to the Conservative Victory Project, a new group focused on getting more electable republicans through GOP primaries.