Morning Maddow: October 10

Morning's headlines: Pres. Obama and House Republicans meet today, the Nobel Prize in Literature goes to our near neighbor for the first time.


Pres. Obama meets with House Republicans today, though not as many of them as he wanted. (The Hill)

Gunmen kidnap, then release, the Prime Minister of Libya. (NBC)

U.S. delays Miranda Rights for alleged al-Qaeda operative captured in Libya. (McClatchy)

Former cop killed after firing on a federal building in West Virginia. (The Intelligencer)

California increases access to abortion. (LA Times)

Number 2 in charge of our nation's nukes is fired. (AP)

Miami Herald reporter sues the Pentagon for key information about Guantanamo. (McClatchy)

Scary new study shows temperatures starting to go off the charts in 2047. (AP)

Nobel Prize week continues. Today: Literature (a hint is in the link). (Globe and Mail)